Legal notices
You are currently on the official teaching platform of Gustave Roussy Sciences School of Cancer and the Faculty of Medicine of Paris-Sud University.
Editor information
Responsible for digital teaching
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Animation of learning communities
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General information
The digital teaching platform accompanies the teaching provided by the School of Cancer Sciences by grouping different modalities within training paths
- Face-to-face theoretical courses
- practical teaching: immersion in clinical and laboratory departments, surgical and scientific seminars
- live or replay broadcasting: surgical, medical and technical procedures...
- digital teaching with online courses, e-learning modules, preparation of face-to-face courses, quizzes, replay seminars...
- An online medical library
Browsing on this platform is subject to the regulations in force and to the present terms of use. As the latter are updated regularly, you are invited to consult this page each time you connect to the site. It is the responsibility of all persons browsing this site to ensure that they have the right, under the terms of their local legislation, to access and/or use this site, as Gustave Roussy cannot be held responsible for any violation of such local regulations.
No advertising is displayed on the platform. However, as part of its mission, the platform is likely to promote or relay free of charge actions in the field of training.
The platform is entirely financed by the Sciences School Of Cancer.
To consult the complete general terms of service, download the CGS of the Sciences School Of Cancer. platform.pdf (0,4 Mo)
Compliance of the site with the CNIL recommendation and the RGPD law of 25 May 2018
The data you are asked to provide when you register is used to help us get to know you better so that we can adapt the training courses we offer : course language, teaching methods, specialties taught, etc.
The service has computer means intended to manage more easily the purpose of the treatment. The recorded information is reserved for the use of the service concerned and cannot be communicated to other recipients.
In accordance with articles 39 and following of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any person can obtain communication and, if necessary, correction or suppression of the information concerning it, by addressing the service.
When you register, by clicking on "*I accept the processing of my personal data and the general terms of service" your agreement will be deemed acquired. We remind you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data by sending an email to the administration of the platform.
Cookies and statistics of frequentation
In order to analyze the frequentation of the site and to improve the information delivered to the users, we use the system of statistics Google Analytics. The rules of confidentiality and the conditions of use of this service are detailed on the Google Analytics site.
This site may use cookies to record information about user navigation on our website. You may refuse to accept cookies by configuring your browser according to the instructions provided on the CNIL website:
Intellectual property
The entire site, including images, texts, iconographic and photographic representations and downloadable documents of the site, is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The reproduction or representation of all or part of this site, on any medium whatsoever, is therefore formally prohibited without the prior written consent of the Director of the Sciences School Of Cancer.
Hypertext links and viruses
You are expressly reminded that Gustave Roussy has no control over or responsibility for the creation of links to sites outside Gustave Roussy and the content of said sites. Therefore, you accept that your choice to access another site, via a hypertext link, is made at your own risk. Consequently, Gustave Roussy cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from your access to another site linked by a hypertext link. In general, it is up to you to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the site you select is not infested with viruses or any other destructive parasite. Gustave Roussy cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of its website or other sites linked to it.
Design, realization, maintenance
Home page and footer links of the site
CED-WEB - Cédric Verjat
19 rue de l'Amiral Mouchez
91320 Wissous
Hosting IONOS
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57200 Sarreguemines C
Design, implementation, maintenance
Salsforce CRM training platform
Gustave Roussy
Digital Teaching
Head of digital education
Animation of learning communities
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